? FAQ’S ?

Why are you called Word of Life Church?

Our name was chosen because we believe in what the Bible says. The Bible is called the ‘Word of God’ because He inspired it and putting what it says into practice gives us eternal life.

What are typical Sunday morning services like at Word of Life Church?

During the first part of the service we take time to express our thanks to God through song, music and prayer and generally we are very spontaneous. We then let everyone present know what’s coming up in the life of the church and then take time to listen to a spoken message that is both encouraging and challenging. We sometimes conclude the service by offering prayer to anyone who asks.

How long do the services last?

Typically an hour and a half although sometimes a little longer if we have guest speakers or visiting teams that take part in the service.

Will anything be expected of me?

Not a all! You are welcome to participate in as much or as little of the service as you want or you can simply ‘stand back’ and experience the service. You won’t be singled out in any way. We normally take up a donation but you are not obliged to give.

What happens when I get to church and after the service?

You will be welcomed in by one of our volunteers and seated when you arrive and you may be given an information pack letting you know about our church if you’d like one. Following the service we serve refreshments and it’s a great time to make yourself known to one of us and ask any questions you may have.

Is there a dress code?

Some people dress smartly and others are more casual. You are completely free to come as you feel most comfortable.

How do I become a member?

If you feel at home at Word of Life and would like to become part of our church family then speak to one of us and we’ll arrange for you to have an informal chat with one of the church leaders. It gives us the chance to find out more about your Christian experience and about how we can help you grow in your faith. Normally we would ask you to be with us for at least six months before becoming a member so that you have time to find out more about our vision and how you can be involved.