

Our church meets at Parkview Community Centre every Sunday morning at 10.30am for the worship service and we have different groups that meet during the week as well as activities that we can be a part of. Get in touch via the contact page or ask one of our team on Sunday mornings about how you can get involved.

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Kids Church, or as it sometimes called, Sunday School, takes place during the second part of each Sunday service where our children are taught Bible stories by a fantastic team through activities best suited to their age range. Kids Church is for children of primary school age.

Our younger generations meet regularly and are led by a dedicated team that work with secondary school and college age young people and those in their 20’s. Their time together normally involves teaching sessions, music and social events. Dates vary for activities.


Home groups meet at various locations in our town, or online, to study God’s Word, pray for each other and build relationships. Each group is quite distinct but all are very informal and a great place to discover your purpose and to be an integral part of our church family.


Our church has different opportunities for people to get connected and involved, from women’s and men’s groups to outreach, music team, welcome and hospitality teams. All are an opportunity to make a difference to the lives of people around us.